Listening to the Voices of Trees
Can humans communicate with trees?
What kind of relationship can we form with them?
What do they have to say to us?
Judy McAllister explores the answers to these questions in her book, Forest Voices: When Nature Speaks. An offshoot of Findhorn’s unique spiritual lineage, the book also evokes visions of emerging possibilities. Its pages speak of a fiery hope for a future where humans and nature are unified in love and cooperation. The following blog post shares some of Judy’s insights.
Findhorn's lineage of co-creation with nature
Much of Judy’s inspiration came from Dorothy Maclean, one of the founders of the Findhorn community. In the early days of the community, Dorothy found she could communicate with the consciousness of plant species. These encounters were different from those communications with individual plants. Unlike encounters with individual beings, Dorothy sensed she was connecting with a vast intelligence that held the energetic seed patterns for whole species. She called these devas (meaning ‘shining one’s in Sanskrit).
Later, Judy traveled, taught and studied with Dorothy, consolidating the meditative practices that enabled her to also encounter devas. As she explains in her book, her lifelong love of trees immediately drew her to the tree devas.
The tree and earth’s inner realms
The messages Judy records from her encounters show that trees are aware not just of their physical contributions to the Earth’s life. They are aware of their less tangible, energetic ones as well. The picture that emerges through their messages is that Earth’s inner life is like one vast psyche.
Just like your personality contains many different qualities and character traits, so do Earth’s conscious dimensions. Trees’ beautiful bodies are outward expressions of inner lives that radiate qualities of steadfastness, exuberance and wisdom. Because we occupy space in Earth’s conscious dimensions as well as its physical ones, we sense their qualities within ourselves. Here are some examples from the trees themselves:
“Power, protection and potency, these are my gifts to the web of life. My form has many uses, the essence I bring is more than that.’”
The trees communicated that they experience joy underlying all their experiences. Within this fundamental joy, they have room to celebrate their unique identities. The messages often begin with Judy’s poetic, impression of their ‘signature’ or her felt sense of their identity.
“We bring solace, comfort, relief. We anchor a peace that soothes the dissonance the pace of human life sows in your hearts and souls. Drink deeply little sister, replenish the deep well of love that is your heart. Renew the well of hope that you draw on as you face an unknowable future.”
What can we learn from the trees?
In addition to these individual trees’ voices, Judy’s book recounts how she encountered ‘something more.’ This ‘something more’ came to her in Brazil. While there, she connected with a larger, more encompassing presence she calls The Voice of the Forest. In contrast to individual trees’ devas, the Voice of the Forest is the consciousness of a whole ecosystem. Its messages reflect this broader, more complex identity. They invite and encourage us towards a new kind of relationship for the future.
Instead of prompting us to take concrete actions, the communications invite us to make inner changes of perception that will affect all areas of our lives. In fact, the messages from the Voice of the Forest offer a kind of eco-systemic look at our human identities. Just like an ecosystem, changes in our underlying attitudes, beliefs and feelings can ripple out throughout our lives, influencing many different aspects.
Can I connect with trees’ consciousness?
Judy is clear that anyone can connect with the consciousness of trees. In fact, she suggests we can connect with the devic level of all forms in nature. Instead of being a superpower reserved for the rare few, it is something we can all develop, she writes.
So how can we start the flow between our consciousness and a tree’s?
Judy’s experience suggests an answer to this question: relationship. And we can cultivate this relationship by seeing the tree as a ‘you’ to relate with, instead of an ‘it’.
When she teaches about connecting with the devic realms, Judy writes:
“I often use the analogy of how we create relationships with new people we meet. It is the same with the intelligence of nature – it takes time, attention and genuine interest in the other. If we only seek contact when we want/need something, the relationship won’t go very deep or last very long!”
Rather than being directive, the messages of the trees are poetic, lyrical, heart-stirring and fascinating. And through them all, a visionary theme emerges. This vision is of a future where people partner with the Earth instead of exploiting it. These tree messages sing of something we can all help make real: humans taking their rightful place in harmony with the rest of nature.
Exercises for connecting with a tree
Spend time with them
Begin by taking a walk in a forest if you can, preferably with mobile phones turned off. Even in cities there are often trees growing in parks and public spaces. Relax in their presence and see what you appreciate about them. When you begin, you don’t need to aim for communication. Just spend time in their company. Regarding this exercise, Judy counsels: ‘Look at them through eyes of love and appreciation and imagine yourself soaking up the ‘vibe’ they are putting out.’
Show Gratitude
Gratitude, is another way to strengthen your connection to the intelligence of nature. An easy way to begin is to find a tree, flower or other plant that is appealing to you. Spend a bit of time noticing what you appreciate about it. Now try touching it – how does that feel? Is there a scent? Do you like its shade? Its shape? There is no need to push for a special experience here. By being grateful you are weaving a connection that may blossom later into communication.
You can find a copy of Judy’s Book Forest Voices: When Nature Speaks here: