Welcome to our blog
Video: ‘Spirit of Iona’ – Spring Equinox
Celebrate the balance of day and night, of dark and light, with the replay of our ‘Spirit of Iona’ Spring Equinox session with Katherine Collis and David Spangler.
The Light in the Rock: A Journey to Erraid
Follow Andrew Powell, our Education Director, on his journey to the mysterious Isle of Erraid where he is going to live within our small community to prepare the ground for our retreats and experiences this season.
BBC ‘Mainly Magnus’ Interviews 1973
In 1973, members of the Findhorn Foundation Community were interviewed on a famous television programme called ‘Mainly Magnus’. We hope you’ll enjoy this blast from the past.
Video: Imbolc, the Celtic Festival of Spring
Celebrate Imbolc – the Celtic festival of the beginning of spring – with the replay of our ‘Spirit of Iona’ online session.
The Angel of Iona
Andrew Powell connects us with the Angel of Iona and the essence of our retreat house Traigh Bhan, on the quiet northern shores of the island.
Wood Party on Erraid
An interview with Jonathan Caddy and Christine Lines, who went with a group of seven volunteers from Findhorn to the Isle of Erraid to get the firewood ready for the upcoming season of island retreats and experiences.
Our dreams for 2025
The future looks exciting! Our Findhorn Foundation SCIO team had a beautiful three-day retreat in the beginning of January in which we shared our visions, hopes and dreams for 2025.
The Magic of Experience Week – Expect a Miracle!
Thousands of people from all over the world have taken part in our spiritual core programme Experience Week and many describe that they have experienced magical moments during this week. But what is the secret ingredient that makes Experience Week so special? An exploration by Britta Schmitz
Welcome to the Embrace of the Isle of Erraid
Let Andrew lead you into the magic and mysteries of the Isle of Erraid. In 2025 we plan to hold our core programme Experience Week on Erraid, bringing its spiritual essence out to the West Coast of Scotland.
The Return to Traigh Bhan: A Journey of Awakening
‘I felt a deep resonance – a knowing that Iona was not just a place but a living spirit, imbued with voices of the past and the silent encouragement of nature’s guardians.’
Andrew Powell shares about his personal experience of re-opening our retreat house Traigh Bhan for the ‘Spirit of Iona’ retreats in summer 2024.
An Island Haven: Fi Luray’s Iona Experience
‘As the weeks passed, I found myself becoming more sensitive, opening, and softening.’
Fi shares their gratitude about holding our autumn Spirit of Iona retreat weeks surrounded by the elements, humans, and lots of sheep.
Iona’s Places of Sacred Pilgrimage and Ritual
Find out more about sacred places on the Isle of Iona, where simple rituals of renewal have been held by pilgrims for many centuries. Come explore the mysteries and folklore of the Well of Eternal Youth and St. Columba’s Bay.
A Taste of Experience Week from Selena Lucas
“I know that each of us came away feeling like we have an extended family.”
In this short video Selena Lucas shares about the different flavours of her Experience Week especially the love, support and connection she experienced.
Resiliency and Inner Work
Terence Gilbey writes about the importance of establishing a strong spiritual practice to bring ourselves into harmony with the rhythm of life. Meditation can be a valuable doorway to foster our inner resilience, so that no outer circumstances can throw us off balance.
Iona Dreaming
Donald and Britta share about what they are looking forward to experiencing during our winter retreat Peace of Iona on the sacred island.
A conversation with the Founders of the Findhorn Community
‘Love. Love, Love, and more Love. That’s what it is.’ Eileen Caddy – Enjoy a video from our archives in which our founders Eileen Caddy, Peter Caddy, and Dorothy Maclean talk about the founding principles of the Findhorn Foundation.
A Letter from Iona
At Traigh Bhan Britta wrote you a letter. She shares about our recent SCIO team retreat on Iona, the day-to-day magic of this sacred island, and the new experiences we will be offering on the Western Isles this winter and next year.
Mike Scott: Origins of Our Weekly Inspiration Emails
Mike Scott shares with us about the origins of the guidance we share with you in the Weekly Inspiration emails.
Meet Isabella Popani, Our RP in Italy
‘Can you imagine having Eileen and Dorothy for four days in your house? I really lived magic, experiences that are difficult to explain.’ – Hear more from Isabella Popani about her experiences in her role as one of our Resource People in Italy.
The Many Ways of Practising Inner Listening
There are many ways to connect to our inner source of wisdom and receive guidance from there. In these three short audio clips our community’s founders share how they connected to this source and about the challenges they had to overcome to learn to follow it.