Daily Meditation Invitation
Dear Friends,
You are warmly invited to join us for our daily meditations. We will meet from Monday to Friday at 9am UK time in our virtual sanctuary on Zoom for 30 minutes.
Please join us as we turn our awareness inward, quiet our minds, and listen to the whispers of our hearts, seeking the wisdom within ourselves. Together, we will create a space for stillness, connection and peace, helping each of us to find clarity, balance and harmony to contribute to a more unified world.
Please sign up here and we will send you the Zoom link each weekday morning:
We are looking forward to meditating with you!
With lots of Love, all of us at the Findhorn Foundation
“To get into rhythm with life, you have to learn the art of being still, for the more still you become, the more clearly can you reflect the qualities of your soul.”
Find out more about …
… the meditation
“When you seek and find that inner peace and stillness, nothing and no one without will be able to disturb it or throw you off balance.”
Modelled on the origins of the Findhorn Foundation, this daily meditation is a free opportunity for you to join us live every week day. In each session we will guide you through a brief centring practice, read a piece of inspiration from Eileen Caddy’s Opening Doors Within, before we go into 15-20 minutes of silent reflection.
All are welcome, whether you are new to meditation or a regular meditator, and there is no need to secure a spot. Think of it as an open invitation to just ‘drop in’ to our virtual sanctuary on Zoom as often as you would like.
… your time zone
If you would like to find out what time 9am UK time is for you, please click the button below:
The sessions are currently aligned with the UK time zone. In 2025, we plan to roll out into new time zones and regions.
Learn more about our meditation tradition
Eileen Caddy talks about the importance of meditation
In two short clips from our archives, co-founder Eileen Caddy talks about the importance of finding time in your life to be still and to connect to your own source of inner guidance.
Resiliency and Inner Work
Establishing a strong spiritual practice can be an important tool to bring ourselves into inner harmony with the rhythm of life. Meditation can be a valuable way to foster inner resilience, so that no outer circumstances can throw us off balance.
Attunement and the power of Inner Listening
Read more about the power of Attunement and Inner Listening and the magic which happens when we connect to the divine source deep within ourselves.
Meditation as a way to Open Doors Within
One of our core practices is Inner Listening and we regularly join together in meditation. As an inspiration for our silent reflections, we often read the daily guidance received by Eileen Caddy from her book Opening Doors Within.