Our core team

Terry Gilbey


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Andrew Powell


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Sara Wright


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Britta Schmitz


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Simon Stedman


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Terry Gilbey


I am a seasoned executive who has worked in both for-profit and charitable organisations leading change, bringing stability, and empowering organisations to step into their full potential. As the former CEO of The Esalen Institute (Big Sur, CA) and Chief Operating Officer of Wikimedia Foundation, I bring over 30 years of experience as an accomplished executive and change agent who helps organisations stabilise and revitalise so they may improve the quality and breadth of the impact they have in the world. I believe successful charities realise their mission when they bring together strong operating principles, a healthy culture and a powerful vision.

I retired from the corporate world almost 15 years ago and began focusing my efforts on helping charitable organisations tackle the complex problems of operating in today’s world. I first visited the Findhorn Foundation in 2019, while CEO of Esalen, and met with the Community, Coworkers, Steward and Trustees. Deeply impacted by my experience, I remained in close contact with the Foundation until, after retiring from Esalen, I felt called to apply for the Chief Executive role and joined the Findhorn Foundation in February 2023. Coming to Scotland marked a return to the UK for me, having lived and worked in multiple regions of Europe, North America, and Asia,

I strive to maintain an attitude of continual learning, leadership trustworthiness, and personal authenticity. With a passion for developing leaders and teams, enabling change and driving for results, my management approach for charities is built around a model that highlights the importance of clear communication, sustainable business practices and consistency.

Andrew Powell


Originally from the mystical landscapes of Wales, I embarked on a long career in healthcare, specialising in HIV/AIDS during the 90s in London and Brighton. Transitioning from the NHS to managing a charitable care centre, my focus has always integrated service development, holistic wellbeing and care provision with differing professional settings.

Spirituality, holistic healing and intuition have been strong and important themes in my life. My spiritual journey intensified after a transformative experience, drawing me to the Findhorn Foundation. Embracing its legacy and wisdom, I found a deep sense of belonging and purpose, which has profoundly influenced my life and work.

At Findhorn, I discovered the beauty and power of our core principles to address life's challenges through its simple purity as a living, loving, interconnected approach. Committed to sharing this enlightenment, I believe we have a true and deep calling in today’s world and advocate for our vital role in connecting, nurturing and spreading this light.

Working in the Foundation, I experience daily challenges, joy, and a profound connection to the inexplicable. It has redefined my understanding of love and hope, inspiring my dream to help others find belonging and realise their deepest aspirations.

Britta Schmitz


I have been part of the Findhorn Foundation since 2009. The first five years I lived and worked within our small community on the tiny Isle of Erraid on the West Coast of Scotland before moving to The Park Ecovillage at Findhorn. Living on Erraid with its ancient landscape, experiencing the change of the seasons and the power of the elements in such a remote location had a big impact on my life and strengthened my connection to the earth and the divine. I especially enjoyed holding the Celtic Festival weeks and connecting with the land and sea and all beings seen and unseen who are at home in this magical place.

I am currently responsible for the communications of the Findhorn Foundation. I am passionate about creating a supportive environment for the individual’s transformational journey, enabling them to find out who they truly are and who they want to be in this ever changing world we live in. I bring this passion into all that I do, especially in my role in communications – where I am currently looking after social media, the website and newsletter – and when I hold workshops and retreats.

On my spiritual path I have explored various ways of connecting with the divine within, focusing on ancient traditions of land-based spirituality. Within the Findhorn Foundation I found my spiritual home where I feel I can embody my spirituality in day-to-day life in service to others and the planet. Before I moved to Erraid I worked at university in the fields of education and communication.

Sara Wright


In my professional life, highlights have included setting up HR, bookings and donor systems, improving ease of use and flow. In previous years I have also enjoyed helping people to expand beyond their limitations as an outdoor instructor on a tree top obstacle course and teaching co-creation with nature with horse riding.

I grew up across the road from the Findhorn community, and I enjoyed playing in the area with my friends and working in the local shop. Following some time living and studying in England and Central Scotland I returned to live in Forres, and started to work for the Findhorn Foundation.

I accepted the role in the SCIO because I was excited about the potential. Supporting more people to find the best of themselves, to connect more deeply with their inner knowing, and to consciously create with the world around them. Then taking that knowledge out into their own communities around the world.

Simon Stedman


I trained as a Chartered Accountant with KPMG in London and worked as a Finance Director in Industry for 25 years. I then spent the following six years retraining as a Psychosynthesis Counsellor during which I also worked for the Findhorn Foundation as Head of Finance.

In 2019 I spotted the advert for the Head of Finance position and “the still small voice” told me that I would be doing this job. After six months of testing this call, which included doing an Experience Week, I arrived in Findhorn in September 2019, and took on the Head of Finance role just in time for the Foundation to go through its “dark night of the soul”: Brexit restrictions, Covid, redundancies, fires and related insurance reclaim. I also oversaw the recovery of the Foundation’s largest legacy ever received. I now work in private practice as a psychotherapeutic counsellor and work part time for the new SCIO.

I have always felt that I recognise the “voice” that comes through Eileen Caddy’s guidance and trust the Christ Consciousness spiritual impulse of the Foundation. I feel that this impulse calls the right people to serve at the right time. Still sensing this call, I consider it a privilege to serve at this critical time, believing that the world still needs the simple message contained within the three core principles of this organisation.