Our experience facilitators

Michael Bailey

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Fi Luray

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Donald Macdonald

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Ellie Homer

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Michael Bailey

After spending 25 years successfully working in the fields of investment banking and wealth management in Geneva, Paris, London and the Middle-East, I experienced profound life changes, on many levels, which started in around 2012, and which led to a significant evolution in my personal values. This resulted in an intensive exploration of spirit and self-awareness, and I spent several years studying different religious traditions, as well as spending time on pilgrimage to holy sites and monastic institutions.

In 2015 I discovered the path that led me to Scotland and the community living experience of Cluny Hill - in particular love in action in the dining room and kitchen – and, since then, despite spending a number of years living part-time in Southern California, my life's journey has been closely intertwined with the evolution of the Findhorn Foundation and Community.

Since returning to Scotland to help with the post-covid reopening of Cluny in 2022 my personal focus has been on the embodiment of spirit, and integrating the three core principles into my day-to-day life. I am particularly excited to be supporting the rebirth of the Findhorn Foundation at this critical time in the world’s evolution, and look forward to connecting with guests on the magical Isle of Iona.

Fi Luray

I first discovered the Findhorn Foundation as a 19 year old while visiting from the States. Inspired by the organisation, I returned a decade later in 2021 to work first in the garden team, then Communications, and eventually in Education.

I am passionate about bringing people together and the potential for finding our own inner voice that the Foundation facilitates. I am delighted to be back and sharing the Findhorn Foundation’s inspiring experiences.

Ellie Homer

I first came to Findhorn in 2022 as a volunteer in the gardens, and was captivated by the work, the people and the way of life here. Here I gained a lot from the daily rhythms of meditation, attunement, love in action and working with nature. I was inspired to stay in the community after this experience, continuing to build on these practices and enjoying community life. I am passionate about all things outdoors, creating art, being with others and continuing to learn and explore

Donald Macdonald

I was born in Forres and grew up on a croft in South Uist in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland. Inspiration that has complimented my Catholic heritage has been Aesop’s Fables, The Shaker Movement, Teachings of Dr Francisco Coll, and Te Whare Tapa Wha, created by Sir Mason Durie in New Zealand, to name but a few.

I went on a 20 year stay in New Zealand and whilst there I worked with and for the Tangata Whenua-People of the Land, Māori. I was encouraged to listen to the land and to nature and was trained to view life through my ‘Wairua’, my soulful frame. Living through an indigenous cultural lens prepared me to embrace the ‘core principles’ of the Findhorn Foundation when I first volunteered there in May 2023.

Being at Traigh Bhan on Iona with like-minded people gives me a unique opportunity to continue my spiritual development. Listening to the Sacred within has been central to my way of being. Acknowledging the ancestral line on the land I grew up on helps me in a community that values inclusivity, thriving and supporting each other.


After studying both architecture and fine arts in South Africa I practiced professionally in Cape Town, London and Cornwall. Despite appearing successful, existentially I felt stuck. I decided to seek help and enrol in a 2 year one-to-one program with a creative psychotherapist, healer and forgiveness guide, who is also a Reiki master. During this time I was introduced to and started exploring for myself alternative forms of spirituality and somatic healing practices. I developed a personal spiritual practice with elements of meditation, flow of consciousness writing, breathwork, cold water therapy, dream analysis and yoga. I also developed a profound desire for PEACE, which drew me to non-dualism, non-violence and metaphysics, particularly A Course in Miracles.

Upon completion of the psychotherapy program, which coincided with changes to my circumstances, I wished to explore living in a community of like-minded people, which led me to residential volunteering at Cluny Hill in the summer of 2023. Here I learned of the core principles of the Findhorn Foundation. It was a transformative experience that deepened, expanded and accelerated my healing and capability for peace.  

I have now relocated full time to Scotland and am resident in The Park Ecovillage Findhorn where I continue to pursue my spiritual practice through daily study and embodiment. I am excited by the opportunity to participate in the holding of small retreats on Iona, particularly at Traigh Bhan, which is a beautiful space in which to experiment with shared living and enjoying simplicity and peace.