Stewarding FF Assets and Community Consultation Process
“Great changes are about to take place in the whole universe. It will not be a comfortable time. It is important that each one has no fear, no concern, knowing that this great upheaval is necessary before the next step can be taken.”
The Still Small Voice Within, Eileen Caddy
It has just been the beginning of October 2023 since the Findhorn Foundation (FF) operations were shuttered and a small Transition Team stepped up to help in the winding-down of the organisation. The past few months have been a very challenging time, and it is somehow fitting that it has been during the darkest days of winter that we took-on the monumental task of untangling the physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual footprint of what was an essential aspect of the Findhorn Foundation Community and Park Ecovillage since the beginning.
The good news is that just like the snowdrops signalling the earliest hints of spring, the FF is stepping into its new season. In light of this, I would like to share some updates with you, our global community, about (1) the work FF is doing to steward the assets held by the Trust and (2) recognise your contributions to our visioning process.
Stewarding FF Assets
Due to the legacy of the FF, we hold many physical assets within the Park and beyond. As we continue to wind-down, we remain committed to reallocating the assets in a way that supports the community and honours our future mission.
FF / EF Conversations
For the past few weeks the FF has been in conversation with Ecovillage Findhorn (EF) around a proposal that would allow for the transfer of most of the FF Park assets to EF.
The conversations around the assets are very complex and demand extensive time and energy. With our dwindling resources, the FF can’t support a lengthy consultation with many different groups and organisations. Our best strategy is to select a partner who can then be our surrogate to engage the broader community and shepherd an inclusive process for managing the future of the assets. With EF committed to having open and inclusive conversations with all Park community groups and other associated organisations, as well as its 330 members, we see them as the best partner to act as a proxy to the local communities at this time.
Zoned areas of Findhorn Foundation ownership in The Park
Cluny Hill
At the February trustee meeting, the FF Trustees attuned to sell Cluny Hill, a former Victorian Hotel which held many of our workshops and retreats and is dearly loved by many members of our community near and far. This was a very difficult and for me, an emotional decision. Yet after individual reflection and collective attunement, it was clear that it is time for the FF to say goodbye to Cluny. Over the last few months we have engaged with several groups who expressed interest in taking-on the building, but none of these has worked out, so our next step is a public sale. We will be listing the building for sale in March.
Cluny Hill, Forres
Community Consultation Process
I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who contributed to the recent visioning sessions, filled in our online questionnaire and responded to our newsletter asking about the ‘Why’ of the Findhorn Foundation. Your responses have yielded a huge amount of information that represents both a broad set of opinions and a depth in shared values. In the coming weeks we will be sharing back what we have learned and then moving on to the next set of questions. Our next question will be: ‘How?’ I hope we can continue the momentum.
Over the next months we will share more about the collaboration with EF, our work to bring forward a new vision for the next evolution of the Findhorn Foundation and how we can all support taking the light out into the world.
Written by Terence Gilbey
Chief Executive, Findhorn Foundation