Transition Fund has reached its goal!

“Expect a miracle. Expect miracle upon miracle to come about, and do not limit in any way. The more open you are, the better, for then there is nothing in the way to stop the flow of My laws, for miracles are simply My laws in action. Flow with those laws, and anything can happen! See the perfection of My plan unfold.”

Still Small Voice Within, Eileen Caddy

In our last newsletter to our donors, we wrote that we are attuning to the miracle energy our community has been holding at its heart from the early beginnings and how connecting to that would plant the seed for the transition to the next evolution of the Findhorn Foundation

After sending out this email a miracle happened for us indeed. Receiving our email, one of our donors made the miracle happen and donated the £77,000 that was needed to reach our goal of £223,000 of our Transition Fund!

“Because of your gifts, the transition is fully funded meaning we can move on to the next phase of the transformation and how we will bring back our core education programs”

Terence Gilbey, Chief Executive

The fund was set up to see us through this period of major shifts within our organisation and we are now positioned to enter the next stage of returning to the delivery of core education programming.

As Eileen says, change can happen within ‘the twinkling of an eye’ and we are so happy and grateful that this change happened for us so gracefully. It means that we can now move to the next phase of our mission, creating a new and sustainable future for Findhorn Foundation education programs and building the Network of Light with our global community.

We have received a huge amount of support and insight from our recent consultations and we will continue that work, asking for your insights and attunement as we tap into the collective wisdom of our global community. Over the next few weeks we will share with you the news of exactly how and when we will begin delivering the transformation programs of Experience Week and the core programming that has been our foundation for so many decades.

Thank you for all the support you are giving to us in making this divine plan unfold energetically and sustainably. Every donation, large and small, has contributed to the journey so far and makes the future possible. We can feel it!


Good news from the Findhorn Foundation!


Shaun Vincent shares about his time in the Findhorn Foundation