Meet Isabella Popani, Our RP in Italy

Our Resource People (RPs) live all over the world and have a deep connection to the values and spiritual practices of the Findhorn Foundation, which they love to share with our global community. Many are a point of contact for people in their homeland who speak the same language and would like to find out more about the Findhorn Foundation from somebody local to them who has experienced it. Over time we would like to introduce you to more of our RPs, so that you can get an idea of who they are and what they do in their role as ambassadors for the Findhorn Foundation.

Maybe have a look on our website and get in touch with one of the RPs in your region? 

Today we would like to introduce you to Isabella Popani from Italy.

Interview with Isabella

When did you first come to the Findhorn Foundation?

My name is Isabella Popani and I live in a beautiful place by the Adriatic Sea in Italy, a country full of history, art and nature. I first came to the Findhorn Foundation in June 1986. I was part of an esoteric group and, when the group was closing, we were told that we needed to turn within and learn to find and listen to our inner guidance. But the last message was to read a book, The Magic of Findhorn

Reading The Magic of Findhorn by Paul Hawken brought Isabella to the Findhorn Foundation

Maybe edit the picture so we only see the Magic of Findhorn?

After reading it I felt drawn to come to Findhorn. I didn’t know how to get there, but so many synchronicities happened. Even though I had never been abroad by myself before, I contacted Giovanna Bonvicini, who took the first Italian group to Cluny and I travelled with her to do the Findhorn Foundation’s core programme Experience Week in English. The two Experience Week groups – English and Italian – were both in Cluny, so every evening I could listen to Italians sharing their experience of the day, and I shared mine. In June the days are long, and the sun goes to sleep very late, and so did we. 

How did you become a Resource Person?

Before leaving, Giovanna asked me if I was willing to become a Resource Person. I didn’t know what it meant, but after her insisting I said yes, without even knowing what I was expected to do in that role, I agreed. From that moment on things just happened. I was asked on many occasions to give talks about the Findhorn Foundation and the Community.

Starting Work as Love in Action together by holding an attunement, a short meditation, in the garden at a Findhorn Foundation workshop

From 1987 on, almost every year I took groups of Italians to attend Experience Week and other workshops in Italian at the Findhorn Foundation. I also organised various workshops in Italy for members of the Findhorn Foundation and the Community and I translated for them into Italian.

Are there any experiences that stand out for you? 

Eileen and Peter Caddy came to Milan together in March 1987, with Loren Stewart, to share their experience within the Findhorn Foundation. In 1995, I welcomed Eileen twice more for talks and workshops and also hosted Dorothy Maclean for a talk and a workshop the same year in Milan. I had the privilege to have both as guests in my house.

Eileen Caddy on one of her journeys sharing about the Findhorn Foundation all over the world

Eileen’s workshop was the last one she held abroad. These were the most outstanding experiences not just as RP, but also for my life. Can you imagine having Eileen and Dorothy for four days in your house? I really lived magic, experiences difficult to explain.

What else would you like to share about your role as RP?

For a few years the RP group organised a gathering called Friends of Findhorn, an intense weekend during which people could experience the three core principles of the Findhorn Foundation – Inner Listening, Co-Creation with Nature, and Work as Love in Action. We would do that with more than a hundred people. We also had two big events for the celebration of 50th and 60th birthday of the Community.

I did so many things that it is very difficult to remember all that I did in my role, but I’ve been very active since Covid stopped everything. At present I’m mainly available for people who are interested in finding out more about the Findhorn Foundation and I regularly translate the Weekly Inspiration emails I receive every Friday from the Findhorn Foundation and publish the Italian translations on my Facebook page and website.


Isabella Popani translates the Findhorn Foundation's Weekly Inspiration emails into Italian


Mike Scott: Origins of Our Weekly Inspiration Emails


Attunement and the Power of Inner Listening