Celebrating the launch of our retreat weeks on Iona
Written by Terence Gilbey
Photo of Iona by Kim Gilbey, 2024
I am pleased to share with you the good news that our Spirit of Iona week-long retreats are on schedule to begin 6 July 2024 – find out more here.
The reintroduction of education programming is a particularly poignant moment for the Findhorn Foundation SCIO and one we would like to celebrate with you. The Spirit of Iona retreat, with its small numbers and footprint, might seem quite limited when compared to the extent of programming we supported in the past, but it is actually one of our most courageous endeavours. It is the first step in our journey of rebirth and renewal.
As so many of you have experienced personally in your own lives, recent events in the Findhorn Foundation have been quite tumultuous. Like you, we have been navigating the disruptions and vast change that is symptomatic of today’s world. This process of change has been quite disorienting. Things we took for granted are no longer the same, unrecognized assumptions we relied upon have been challenged, and our physical organization has been reduced to just a shadow of what it was. We have been humbled in learning that even for a spiritual community, true resilience, grit and trust doesn’t always come easy. It is easy to empathize with why so many in the world are turning to disassociation and divisiveness to cope with the strain and fear of the unknown. Ironically, at a time of such vast technological connectivity, it feels as if we as humans are more disconnected from ourselves, each other, nature and spirit than ever before. No wonder so many suffer from depression and disappointment.
For over 60 years the Findhorn Foundation has been a beacon of Light, modeling and co creating a philosophy and values built upon the power of community and the commitment to our three core beliefs of inner listening and attunement, co-creation and partnership with the Earth and all of its kingdoms of life, and work as love in action. Thousands of people have attended programs at the Findhorn Foundation over the decades and their lives have been forever changed. Education is core to our mission, and that is why our decision to cease programming last year was so difficult and demoralising.
Admittedly, it would have been easy to give up entirely. But through our recent visioning consultation, we heard from so many people about how they have benefited from the teachings of the Findhorn Foundation and how precious it has been to their lives. We were reminded of the power of our values as they were reflected back to us. And most importantly, we were shown that there is still a place for our mission in the world. We agree with you that the learnings of the last 60 years have relevance for today’s world, and the global community of people affiliated with the Findhorn Foundation can be seeds of hope throughout the world.
Spirit of Iona has emerged from the crucible of the past few years and embodies the essence of the teachings of the Findhorn Foundation held in a way that is authentic to the realities of our contemporary world. For us, there has been a sweetness and precious vulnerability in peeling back all of the layers of hubris, releasing the seeming powerlessness of relentless change, and reconnecting with the simplicity of who we are at our core. Like a spring flower, The Spirit of Iona has bloomed out of our own process of connecting to what is most essential and allowing it to grow in the Light. This is a retreat specifically designed to nurture connection in a gentle way. In a less structured, small group setting, people will be able to quiet the noise of their frenetic lives so as to hear the voice of spirit and nature. They will find calmness and resilience by reconnecting to their own inner knowing. And they will have opportunities and spaciousness to relate with others in deep and meaningful ways.
Our retreat house Traigh Bhan (pronounced ‘try van’ in Scottish Gaelic) on the Isle of Iona – photo by Mark Richards
We have chosen to launch this first program from our retreat house, Traigh Bhan, located on the small Scottish island of Iona. Traigh Bhan has been a part of the Foundation for over 50 years. It is a small home situated along the coastline, with a beautiful garden, deeply powerful sanctuary space, and comfortable, simple hostel-style accommodations. With capacity for only 6 participants, Traigh Bhan offers both solitude and closeness in an intimate and beautiful setting.
Widely recognized for its peace and tranquility, Iona has stunning landscape, caribbean-blue waters, and over 1500 years of history. For centuries, Iona has been a place of spiritual pilgrimage. What better place to nurture and incubate that which we hold most sacred, than in the safety and resonance of the ancient and holy island of Iona?
Iona Abbey was first established in 563 CE by St. Columba. It was restored in the 1930s by the Iona Community.
The Spirit of Iona retreat is significant because it is our first program following our restructuring. As written in the Tao Te Ching, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Often, it is the first step that is the most difficult, which is why we are so pleased with The Spirit of Iona. Like crossing the threshold of the hero’s journey, we are entering a phase where we are now open to what will emerge. Ultimately, the next steps along our path will be highly informed by you. We opened 2024 with an extensive consultation into “Why” the Findhorn Foundation is meaningful, and will launch a follow-up consultation later this year exploring “How” the Findhorn Foundation SCIO might deliver education to a global audience.
In the meantime, we have already started to plan a program modelled more closely to the traditional Experience Week, held at the stunning Lighthouse Keeper cottages of the remote Erraid island community. And are exploring how to get programs back to the original Findhorn Ecovillage Park, although this may take time because of the limited hosting facilities there.
Traigh Bhan Sanctuary
Resilience has been a part of the Findhorn Foundation since its very beginning. Just as our founders were reduced to their simplest form in 1962, we, too, can see this time as an opportunity to connect with our beliefs, live into our practices, and trust that “All Will Be Well.” Thank you for being a part of our journey. We hope to meet you online or in-person soon.