Eileen Caddy – Learn to be Still
Eileen Caddy sitting in the sanctuary in Findhorn
Eileen Caddy, one of the founders of the Findhorn Foundation and Community, received guidance on how to live her life from an inner source she called the ‘still small voice within’ or the ‘God within’. From the first day she heard this voice, and throughout the rest of her life, she dedicated time each day to be still and listen for it. Her life’s work was to inspire others to be still, turn within, and follow their own source of inner guidance.
“Be still and know that I am God. You have taken a very big step in your life, but if you follow My voice, all will be well.”
The still small voice within
Eileen’s first experience of her inner voice was while she was sitting in silence in a private sanctuary in Glastonbury. After asking God to help her with a difficult situation, in the silence of the sanctuary she suddenly heard a voice: ‘Be still and know that I am God. You have taken a very big step in your life, but if you follow My voice, all will be well.’
At first Eileen was fearful about hearing such a clear voice that no one else could hear. However, she gradually accepted it as a source of wisdom and following its guidance proved to be a turning point in her life. Through the rest of her life she continued to receive clear guidance from the still small voice within, leading to the establishment of the Findhorn Foundation and Community in the North East of Scotland.
Eileen’s message for us
In these two short clips from our archives Eileen talks about the importance of finding time in your life to be still and connect to your own source of inner guidance. She shares that there are different ways in which we receive guidance and that for most people it doesn’t appear as a voice as it has been for her. Often we receive guidance through intuitive flashes or in our dreams. The most important message for us is to trust these subtle promptings and act upon them in our lives.
We hope you enjoy watching and listening to Eileen Caddy.
Eileen Caddy talks about the importance of taking time to be still and listen within the busyness of our lives.
“It doesn’t matter where you are, the thing is you need to learn to be still and listen. And that’s the difficult part, believe it or not. Everybody is so busy being busy that they find it very difficult to be still.”
Eileen Caddy speaks about different ways of receiving divine guidance and the importance of listening to it and acting upon it.
“There are many ways of receiving and I think it is important to realise that it is not just listening to one voice. I mean sometimes we get an intuitive flash and when we get an intuitive flash, what do we do with it? Do we follow it through? Or do we just say: ‘Oh well, that’s just an intuitive flash, I’ll just leave that.’
It is a question of following it through and as we follow it through this is where one door after another opens up.”