A conversation with the Founders of the Findhorn Community
In this video from our archives the founders of the Findhorn Foundation – Eileen Caddy, Peter Caddy, and Dorothy Maclean – talk about the early days and the spiritual principles and practices that are the foundations of this Centre of Light. The video was filmed in November 1992 during the Findhorn Foundation’s 30th birthday celebrations. It was the last time that all three founders were together.
“‘Love. Love, Love, and more Love. That’s what it is.’”
We hope that you will enjoy our founders’ deep and simple messages of how to live our daily lives in connection with Spirit, through listening to our divine wisdom within the stillness of our heart, wisely co-creating with nature and all of life around us, and doing everything we do with love as an act of service to Spirit and to the world.
Their message is that once we can do everything with love, we will find joy in each moment of our lives, even as we are performing the most mundane tasks. If we learn how to live and embody these simple core practices we can transform our own lives and, subsequently, the world we live in. In Eileen’s words our founding principles simply translate into:
Even after all of these years the core messages of our founders never grow old. Watching this video is an important part of our spiritual practice. Over this summer and autumn, Andrew, Fi, and Ellie – who have been holding the Spirit of Iona retreat weeks at Traigh Bhan – have been watching this video with our participants every week. Andrew says that, even after watching it once a week all through the summer, he never tires of it.
Eileen Caddy
Change, being a spiritual anchor and putting love in action
‘That is what life is all about. It’s just change, change, change. It is something I invoke all the time. I pray for change, because I want to change, I want to grow, I want to expand and this is what is happening.
“That is the consciousness that people need to take away from here as they go out into the world, that they need to do everything with love and do it to the glory of God.”
I am here to remind people that this is a spiritual community and to bring them back to spirit. I am an anchor. I anchor the energies. I am anchoring the Christ energies, the spiritual energies, and that is what I am really.
I remind them that whatever they are doing, no matter how ordinary, no matter how mundane, it needs to be done with love. If it is not done with love, go away by yourself and really find out why you are not doing it with love? And then come back and do it with love. That is the consciousness that people need to take away from here as they go out into the world, that they need to do everything with love and do it to the glory of God. If you're doing something with love, of course there is joy, bound to be. We are moving into more love, more joy, more spontaneity.’
Dorothy Maclean
The importance of connection with nature and collaboration with nature spirits
‘This connection with the nature kingdom always brought me back to oneness. The angels are messengers of God as they say and they always went on and on and on about how we are part of each other and how this connection with humans and nature is a necessity.
“It is a working collaboration. It has always been here, we just haven’t recognised it. ”
Ordinary people are here on this earth and so are the angels, so are the devas. It is a working collaboration. It has always been here, we just haven’t recognised it. You can make it glamorous, but it isn’t. It is practical. It is the way things work. It is the way this planet works and always has been, but we just have not been aware of it.
As the devas told me love is the bridge to any kingdom, and gratitude. So if one loves what one’s doing one’s energies are connected up with that and you get feedback. [...] Love is the key to all those things.’
Peter Caddy
The importance of walking your talk
“It was our work to demonstrate it. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. It was a demonstration. Co-operation with the kingdom of nature. It works.”